Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Art Improv 101 by Carolyn V. Hamilton

Art Improv 101: How to Create a Personal Art Journal
Free Kindle Ebook for a Limited Time for your Kindle app on your phone or PC. 
Click Now on the Cover Photo. 
Get your free Kindle Ebook on 11/24/21 thru 11/28/21.

"This book is a full art course with a little humor. It takes the fear out of starting your first page and gives you that little nudge to take the first step." - BARA, Jewelry Designer & Sculptor

Art Improv 101: How to Create a Personal Art Journal focusses on creative play. This method is to art what improv is to comedy; You will make it up as you go along.

Based on 30 years in the graphic arts, artist and writer Carolyn V. Hamilton will share with you ways to play with watercolor techniques, shading with pencils, using decorative borders, and tips for drawing faces, trees, and other objects.

Her goal is to inspire you to create your own personal art journal where you can note thoughts, look inward, officially doodle, observe your life, and maybe even realize miracles. This book contains dozens of technique illustrations. No experience required!

PART ONE: Welcome to Art Improv 101
Why Art Journal?
What is creativity?
Where do I start?
Kinds of Art Journals

PART TWO: Practical Techniques
Tools of the trade
The Language of Color & Color Mixing
Watercolor Techniques
Shading with Pencils, Lines & Dots
Decorative Borders
How to draw faces
Simple ways to draw buildings, people, trees & other objects
How to see simple images in a panoramic view
Hand-lettering techniques
Contour Drawing

"This book gives an amazingly easy introduction to the world of 'art journaling.' I thought it would be hard, but I'm inspired now more than ever to record my journal entries in a more dramatic and artistic way."
- colorist Jean Battenberg

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