Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Natural Human Diet For Health by Patrick Genesse

The Natural Human Diet For Health

What if healthy eating wasn't as complicated as everyone thinks?

In my search for better health, I came across what I found to be the most natural diet for humans. In other words, it's the way we were designed to eat as a species. Interesting, don't you think?

This diet helped many people around the world -including me- achieve greater health. It is known as the raw food diet. But it's more than just a diet. It's a lifestyle. You don't follow it for a set amount of time. You stick to it.

Unfortunately there are a lot of variations of the raw food diet out there, and not every one of them are good for you. It's easy to get overwhelmed and even confused. But that's why I'm here. To serve as a guide to help you make the right choices.

In this ebook, you will discover :
- What humans are designed to eat, backed up with scientific research about how our bodies work;
- Answers to the most commonly asked questions about our nutritional requirements;
- How the way we think is linked to our diet and our health, and what to do about it;
- How to make the transition to a healthier lifestyle;
- And much more!

This relatively short e-book (just below 10,000 words) is for those who want to-the-point information (no useless fluff!) to help them get started on their journey towards better health. All you get is quality practical information, in an easy to understand way. Nothing more, nothing less.

(Prices may change at any time. Before downloading, confirm that this book is still free. Some become Prime Eligible, with Prime, Kindle owners can choose from thousands of books to borrow for free.)

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