Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Bonds of Blood by Travis Simmons

The Bonds of Blood (The Revenant Wyrd Saga)

Events build to a dramatic conclusion in this epic fantasy of family ties. On a hunting trip Jovian is attacked by a demon destroyed ages ago when the last of the fallen angels were driven into hiding. Angelica is plagued by haunting visions depicting the fall of her family. Joya begins hearing voices and communicates with a geometry book that calls forth the destructive force of Wyrd within her. Amber is stolen in the night, and a being who calls himself “Grigori” seeks the destruction of the Neferis name.

Even before a rescue attempt can be made for Amber, the family comes under attack by forces they are not ready to face. The adventure becomes one haunted by mystical creatures and events as two forces try to help them, and hinder them. With every step more and more questions arise.
There are seemingly no answers until they are confronted with an ancient enemy of their family. Will this enemy grant the answers they seek, or will she fray the tenuous threads binding them to their old lives?    

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