
Friday, April 13, 2012

CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil by Shykia Bell ‏ @ShykiaBell

CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil

Seeing beyond the veil means seeing beyond what logic dictates and what others believe.

As Camile Leon becomes engulfed in the mysteries on the other side of the veil, she learns the astounding truth of its significance to the world's vitality. Furthermore, she comes closer to understanding her pending role in steering upcoming events to either elevate or destroy humanity as she knows it. As time elapses, the woman in the mirror becomes tinted with a disturbing haze of unfamiliarity. The recent emergence of abdominal scars trigger memories of a past littered with deceit, abuse, seduction and betrayal. This leads Camile to question not only whether she can trust the people appointed to train and assist her, but also her own moral fiber. Doubt is sometimes a paralyzing force, but in Camile's case, it could result in a cataclysmic chain reaction...

...with humanity in its path.

CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil transcends the sci-fi/fantasy genres and infuses a seamless blend of paranormal adventure, psychological thriller and romance. It explores the possibility that while a civilization betrays itself, perhaps the conflict exposes something far more vulnerable than the land and possessions at the source of the chaos.

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