
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Backroads and Alleyways by Bruce Blake @bruceablake

Backroads and Alleyways: a Collection of Diversions

A vampire meets his match.

A porcelain doll that's more than it seems.

A dog claiming to be an ambassador for an alien race.

A cowardly soldier trapped on an alien planet.

These are some of the characters you meet detouring down the backroads of the world or foraging in the dark corners of the alleyways of our lives.

Backroads and Alleyways is a collection of eight stories -- diversions from the everyday -- about the people and things best left in shadowy deadend alleys or in the forest at the side of the road.

Eight stories of horror and dark fantasy (with a sci-fi tale thrown in for good measure) to distract you.
Visit the author's website:

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