
Monday, October 20, 2014

Interview with Professor Leonard Birdsong @Prof_Birdsong

The Digital Ink Spot had the pleasure to interview Professor Leonard Birdsong. Professor Leonard Birdsong lives in Orlando, Florida where he teaches Criminal Law, White Collar Crime, Evidence, and Immigration Law. He received his Juris Doctor degree from the Harvard Law School and his Bachelor’s degree from Howard University. He has written many scholarly legal pieces since joining the legal academy.

He has written a series of humor books on Criminal Law styled Professor Birdsong’s Weird Criminal Law Stories, Volumes 1-6. They are not scholarly pieces! The Weird Criminal Law Stories are written just for fun and enjoyment.
Professor Birdsong is proud of his legal career which included his work as an attorney with the law firm of Baker & Hostetler. Later he served as a diplomat with the State Department with various postings in Nigeria, Germany, and the Bahamas. Professor Birdsong also worked as a federal prosecutor, first as an Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, and later as a Special Assistant United States Attorney for the U.S. Virgin Islands.
 After leaving government service, Professor Birdsong was in private practice in Washington, D.C., where he specialized in trial work ranging from criminal defense work to political asylum matters. Professor Birdsong is occasionally invited to appear as a legal commentator on Fox News, MSNBC, Fox Radio, and CBS Radio.
Although he has been involved in serious criminal law work over the years as a prosecutor, a defense attorney, and a law professor, Professor Birdsong knows that it is good to stayed grounded. This means often taking time to look at the many funny and weird criminal law stories that crop up around the United States and the world. He believes we should not always take criminal law so seriously and instead, just have a good laugh at some of the silly foibles of dumb criminals and their crimes. That is why several years ago he began to collect and edit from the wire services and news the type of weird and funny criminal law stories that appear in his series.
The Digital Ink Spot:    What are you trying to accomplish as a writer?
Professor Leonard Birdsong: I am a law professor who like to expose the world to some funny and weird criminal law stories. My latest book, Professor Birdsong’s Weird Criminal Law Stories, Volume 6: Women in Trouble! Is all about women who run afoul of the law.
The Digital Ink Spot:  When is your newest book available?
Professor Leonard Birdsong:My latest book appeared as a Kindle book in April of 2014. I started writing these books in 2010.
The Digital Ink Spot:  Where can readers find you, (social media, readings, blogs, your books)?
Professor Leonard Birdsong: My readers can find me on my author page at; my website:; my blog:; and at
The Digital Ink Spot:    What sets your stories apart from the rest?
Professor Leonard Birdsong: If one is looking for humor, my books are as funny as the dickens. What sets them apart is that I have been a federal prosecutor, a diplomat, a defense attorney and a law professor.  I know criminal law! I also know weird criminal law when I see it.

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