
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Interview with Marc D Brown @WordsofMDBrown

The Digital Ink Spot: Please introduce yourself to the readers.
Marc D Brown: I'm Marc or Marc D Brown from York in the UK, married to an amazing lady and we have two Huskies who are basically our children and our lives happily revolve around them, haha.

The Digital Ink Spot: What are you trying to accomplish as a writer? 
Marc D Brown: My main mission in life is to be a recognized poet, when I say "recognized" I don't mean that I'm in it for the fame and fortune, I just want people to know of my work. Obviously if the fortune came a long, I wouldn"t complain.....I do need a new car and we're saving for a house, so yeah the fortune would help. I want to change peoples minds on what poetry is, it can be done differently nowadays, my style has been described as "unique" by a twitter follower recently, I believe it is! It's poetry for everyone, I'm a normal guy so I write about normal things that go on in my head; yes, sometimes it may come across as strange but it will pull you in. There's subjects about life, love, death, work, regret etc. Things we all feel as human beings put down in an easy to read way. I guarantee you will find a poem you like.

The Digital Ink Spot: When is your newest book available?
Marc D Brown: I currently have 3 ebooks published on Amazons Kindle platform, two of which are poetry collections Words of Marc D Brown & 20Seven. My third book is a short horror/gore story, my first real attempt at story writing. If you liked American Psycho, then the chances are you will probably like this.
Currently I'm compiling a third collection of poetry which I'm pretty excited about; I had a year off from writing, whenever I put pen to paper I felt everything I wrote was crap and just too wasn't right so I stopped trying. Nearly a year later I clearly found my muse as I've been writing a few pieces each week (when I was younger I wrote a few pieces each day...I obviously had a lot more to say back then, haha) 

The Digital Ink Spot: Where can readers find you?
Marc D Brown: If you ever want to get in touch or just get an idea whats going on with me, you can use the following.
Twitter - @WordsofMDBrown
The Digital Ink Spot: Why should people read your stories. What sets them apart from the rest?
Marc D Brown: I believe people should read my poetry firstly just to give it a chance, try something new. Secondly as I previously mentioned you WILL find something you like in my books, something you can relate to. If you do ever check my books out, Thank you in advance!

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