
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Binary Man by Jacob Prytherch @JakePrytherch

The Binary Man

12/25/2012 - 12/27/2012

Everything is possible, somewhere in time and space. All it takes is the right viewpoint.

Yannick Meyer's life seemed locked in a downward spiral of ill health and worse luck, when a knock at the door changed everything. Offworld opportunity beckoned, a release from the rampant pollution and social decay of Earth, or so he thought. However the bright lights of Washington station hide their own shadows...

Two engineers stumble upon a signal that holds a promise of inescapable violence...

One man sits alone, pleased with his work as he watches the funeral of someone that only he truly knows, losing count of how many have died before...

All these stories come together, bound by the power of The Binary Man, the first true magician.   

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