
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Little Angels' Mothers by Miles Geiger @MilesGeiger

Little Angels' Mothers


She's a blooming genius, he's a street-smart survivor. She's unstable, he's cold-blooded and overly protective of her. They meet by chance, just as the world is ending and humanity falling apart.

They are chosen to descend into Heaven. Our last hope, for what it's worth.

Consider rabid angels, and a schoolgirl-led army of the dead; then there's that ninety-one-year-old Japanese woman armed with a stick. Prepare for magnolias, and sulfur, and gently rustling chains, and nuclear backpacks, and screaming Popes, and magic carpets. Witness Jesus and Diamond Hammer travel to New Chiba.

The world is watching, live coverage with commercial breaks; the clock is ticking -- 24 hours to go. It all ends on Sunday.

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