
Monday, November 26, 2012

Teas for Life by Diane Kidman @dkmommy

Teas for Life: 101 Herbal Teas for Greater Health

“If you’ve ever brewed a simple cup of tea, you’ve practiced herbalism. This most basic and ancient of acts has the power to deliver health and healing in a safer, more natural way to you and your family. And since it’s so familiar to most of us, it’s also a comfortable place to begin learning more about herbalism.” So begins Teas for Life, an educational and surprisingly humorous ebook that brings 101 herbs clearly to light, showcasing numerous uses for each plant, correct dosages, and lively anecdotal information.

Whether you're a budding home herbalist, an avid gardener, a skilled wildcrafter, or an avid herbal tea enthusiast, this will quickly become your go-to guide.

A great reference for not only your Kindle, but your smart phone, your home computer, or your tablet. You’ll want to keep this one with you!           

(Prices may change at any time. Before downloading, confirm that this book is still free. Some become Prime Eligible, with Prime, Kindle owners can choose from thousands of books to borrow for free.)

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