
Friday, November 16, 2012

Tastes Like Human by Christopher Lombardo and Noel Boivin @thesharkguys

Tastes Like Human: The Shark Guys' Book of Bitingly Funny Lists

Humor writers Noel Boivin and Chris Lombardo follow up their definitive compendium of drunken feats, The Man Who Scared a Shark to Death (Penguin, 2007), with Tastes Like Human: The Shark Guys' Book of Bitingly Funny Lists.

Here the authors, who one reviewer of their first book called "fast and funny with the facts, without the morality", present a completely new and unapologetically irreverent take on the list book genre.

Tastes Like Human answers questions people didn't even know they wanted answers to like: Who are the Top Horniest Cult Leaders of All Time? What are the Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Return Things? Which incidents qualify as the Top Acts of Karaoke-Related Violence?

All of that and much more, including etiquette tips on matters as diverse as how to use an ATM machine without seeming like a complete prick, a guide to conduct when meeting Queen Elizabeth, and fighting suggestions the next time your mouth makes an online payment for which there are insufficient funds in your credit account (ass, in keeping with the analogy) to pay for.

Chris and Noel, AKA, "The Shark Guys" are the creators of the popular humor site TheSharkGuys. Links from their site have appeared on dozens of popular websites including Mental Floss, Sports Illustrated, Cracked, IMDb, and FARK.  

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