
Monday, November 26, 2012

Socialite by Martin Renaud @socialitebooks

Socialite 1 Book 1: Bees to Benny

UNKNOWN TO A SMALL community in Mission British Columbia, an alien family from the planet Zozia has been living in their midst for many years. They came to Earth to marry their beautiful daughter Elle Amis to a human and send them to Zozia to save the planet from extinction. The Amis are unaware that a well known public figure is also from the planet Zozia and is creating havoc with the world’s communication systems.

Book 1: Bees to Benny

IN THE QUIET TOWN of Mission, the self-assured, intelligent and talented fifteen-year-old Jacob Liebe has finally met young, demure Elle Amis, his mesmerizing and gorgeous neighbour who has never left her home in the fourteen years she has resided across the street from him. Elle's parents, Ray and Grace, selected Jacob for Elle when both kids were babies, then waited in silence and seclusion until the time was right for them to meet.

When Jacob spontaneously invites her to his home for a night of games and music with friends and family he is blissfully unaware that resplendent Elle has been covertly preparing to use her beauty, intelligence and other-worldly seductive charms on Jacob..               

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