
Friday, November 16, 2012

Sacramentum by D J G Berkeley @sirdanthethird

Sacramentum (Decline And Fall)

On the edge of the Roman world, a dishonoured General fights, for his friends, his honour, and his very survival.

It is the present day, in a world in which Rome never fell. Rome itself is a paragon of towering grandeur, but on the brutal outskirts of the empire, Governors are appointed for one purpose alone, extortion. And Gaius Strabo, the Governor of northern Britannia is the worst of the lot.

Titus, a General with no army in a world without a war, where veterans have been forgotten, has no choice but to take work as a mercenary. Work is easy to come by in the shattered town of Luguvalium, but when his work results in the death of a young man, Titus begins to question the world he lives in.

He discovers a truth so shocking that it changes his life, and a conspiracy so dark, that it could bring down the Senate itself.

Brilliantly interweaving ancient history into the present, this dark and epic tale combines adventure, courage, honour, ambition, friendship and rivalry to stunning effect. You see the grandeur, inequality and byzantine machinations of the modern day Roman world. You feel every gun-shot. Sacramentum is an outstanding novel of survival and triumph, against impossible odds.

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