
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

EXCITE Diet by Jan Small @beautytoptotoe

EXCITE Diet - Beat Diet Boredom And Lose Weight (Choose To Lose Weight Loss Success Series)

If you've ever been on a diet you'll know how boring it can get sticking to the rules. You start out full of determination but after a few days you're fed up with the "delicious" food and the "easy" exercise routine you're supposed to do and you've had enough.

The EXCITE diet is different.

You have 50 different daily plans to choose from. Some days focus on diet. Some on fun activities. You pick and choose what you want to do. You never have to stick to anything more than a day and every day is different.

If you feel like a burger, there's "Bacon Double Cheeseburger Day". If you want a fun day out and still lose weight, try "Shopping Day", "New Activity" or "Course You Can Day". There are days to cope with birthdays and holidays, days for when you crave cake or chocolate or anything at all. (You can truly eat whatever it is you love and still lose weight!)

There are days to keep you losing weight when you are busy and days to give you an extra boost when you want to lose weight fast. There are even days to help give you a push when motivation is low.

One of these 50 Days will work for every day you want to lose weight whatever your circumstances - and you get to choose.

Try them all (or only the ones that appeal). Find the ones you love to do and then rinse and repeat until you reach your target weight.

It's not difficult to stick to your diet when it's only for a day. You do that every time you start a new diet. With this one you get a fresh start every day.

Lose Weight One Day And One Pound At A Time!   
Twitter @beautytoptotoe

(Prices may change at any time. Before downloading, confirm that this book is still free. Some become Prime Eligible, with Prime, Kindle owners can choose from thousands of books to borrow for free.)

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