
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Black Boogiemen by Tallis Piaget @blackboogiemen

Black Boogiemen

Book's Description: This book follows Dr. Trenton Branch, a scientist whose extremely meager upbringing came from his grandmother and the cruel inner city streets. He grows to become a world renowned biochemist, living in one of the wealthiest suburbs in the country. One miserable day while visiting his old neighborhood a calamity occurs; this incites the rage of a rabid pit bull within Dr. Branch. He then unites a group of men, waging war against the inner city in an attempt to excise all of its demons. Sparking what some called the “Civil War of 2020” this controversial story touches on all of the untold secrets of black America, while providing a fast paced, page turning tale of violence and knowledge. With graphic imagery and heart pounding action this book is sure to leave the reader wanting more.

Chalked with witty banter and an introspective look into the soul, Black Boogiemen is a tale of humanity’s ongoing struggle between love and hate, right and wrong. How far are you willing to go to bring peace to your city, to your country, to your world? This book will have you crossing the lines.  

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