
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Another Second Chance by Troy Lewis @troylewisauthor

Another Second Chance

How a stranger's kidney saved my life ...And my brothers too!
An amazing true story that will strengthen your Faith in miracles!!

The author reminds us that God's ways are not our ways and his time is not our time. He states that "it is easy to believe when you know you're not going to sink. But try stepping out of the boat when you can't see the bottom. The safety nets are gone; there is no backup plan. You are walking on faith alone." Troy says he wanted to relate how at death's door, he found God's hope and peace and the reason for it all. We all need to keep on keeping on-and cling to Him in faith.

This is a very readable and powerful book about the author's experience in facing the ups and downs of kidney disease--a trial that, as he states in the first chapter, "would cause me to question who I was, all that I had believed, and God himself." We live through Troy's journey and the emotional and spiritual roller coaster with him, but always we sense God in control of the situation-even when all seems hopeless. I found myself eagerly reading, in suspense, to find out what would happen next and what God would do. Given the subject matter of dealing with a probably fatal illness, the book is not maudlin, depressing or sensationalized. The author merely talks to us as if to friends, sharing something wonderful and awesome that happened to him. He just seems to want us to appreciate how fragile life is and how good God is. He says he hopes we can use some of his discoveries about God's faithfulness in our own traumatic life situations, whatever they may be.

Troy couldn't have imagined what God had in store for all who were part of this story. Hollywood couldn't have scripted it. He humbly encourages everyone reading this book to believe that, no matter what we are facing in life, we can experience the revelation of what God has in store for our lives.

This book will speak to anyone facing challenges larger than themselves, whether it's job loss, financial ruin, family pain, or your own battle with illness. Miracles still happen and there is always "Another Second Chance".          

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