
Monday, November 26, 2012

Alfred, A Timber Wolf's Tale by Randall L. Emery

Alfred, A Timber Wolf's Tale (The Friendly Petting Zoo)

As a circus train moves to the next town, a storm knocks it off of its tracks and the animals find themselves alone, scared, and without anyone to care for them. Bev, the teaching turtle becomes their mentor and savior teaching them to survive in the wild.

Four years after the catastrophe, Alfred the Timber Wolf, wants to be with the humans again. When Alfred leaves the other animals behind in the hope of finding a family, the animals begin to get sick. What happens next? Will the animals die? Will Alfred find the humans? "Alfred, A Timber Wolf's Tale" is the first in a series of children's books by author Randall L. Emery. Beautifully illustrated by artist, Cynthia Bird with cover art designed by 12 year old Rhianna J. Bullard these wonderful books are bound to delight children of all ages!

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