
Monday, October 22, 2012

Diet Ease by Tom Laurie

Diet Ease: Do the Little Things that Make a Diet Successful

I have had to watch my weight almost every day since I got out of college. I have amassed a huge number of things that you shouldn’t do to keep your weight down and I have found many things to do that help keeping your weight down. I have found both of these lists of actions through good old trial and error.

I won’t bore you with the bad list, but I thought that you might be interested in the good list!

Not every tip in this document is meant for you. Your lifestyle might preclude you from actually even trying some of these tips. On the other hand, some of these tips might be the ones that you need to really make a difference in your weight loss!

Having a good attitude is much more important in dieting than having the correct diet. I hope that these fifty dieting tips will help improve your attitude and make you diet better.

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