
Friday, November 9, 2012

The Watcher by Sam Croft

The Watcher

In 1888, two brothers, Jack, a criminal recluse, and John, a society gentleman, live in opposite ends of Victorian London. When John falls in love, unspoken bonds are tested, unwittingly exposing secrets guarded since his childhood.

Horrified by links to the London underground, and appalled by the extent of his brother's jealousy, John soon realises that these secrets not only affect his past, but also threaten to affect this future.

The Watcher is constructed around facts of the Jack the Ripper case, incorporating popular myths and theories. Through fiction, it examines the Whitechapel murders in a way that has never before been explored.

Why did the murderer have committed such terrible crimes? What might have made him into such a monster? Why did the murders start then just as swiftly end?


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