
Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Necro Device by M. T. Dismuke @MTDismuke

The Necro Device

John and Mary Hilt are hired to restore the Mandiev mansion isolated between four surrounding towns. The original owners, the Mandiev brothers, were world famous performers who died decades ago. Rumors that the mansion is haunted soon work their way to Mary, and nightmares begin to eat away at her sanity. She becomes obsessed with the Mandiev, wanting to know more. Determined to unlock their secrets, she digs deeper into their past and learns of a deadly device. An intricate web of betrayal slowly unravels, and she finds herself within its dark center.

It all begins with a betrayal, a machine, and a darker intent... It has a purpose.

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  • Book website:
  • Twitter Name: @MTDismuke

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