
Friday, September 7, 2012

The Kure by Jaye Frances

The Kure

Forbidden by law and denounced as an abomination by the church, the Kure has been hidden for centuries . . . "In vain thou shall use many medicines, but thou shalt not be kured. And even though you search for a virgin to lay upon her balm, there is no healing for you. You multiply your remedies in vain as your cries fill the earth, and you will stumble, one over the other, and both will fall down together." - The Book of Eternal Regret John Tyler, a young man in his early twenties, awakens to find a ghastly affliction taking over his body. When the village doctor offers the conventional, and potentially disfiguring, treatment as the only cure, John tenaciously convinces the doctor to reveal an alternative remedy--a forbidden ritual contained within an ancient manuscript called the Kure. Although initially rejecting the vile and sinister rite, John realizes, too late, that the ritual is more than a faded promise scrawled on a page of crumbling paper. And as cure quickly becomes curse, the demonic text unleashes a dark power that drives him to consider the unthinkable--a depraved and wicked act requiring the corruption of an innocent soul. Ultimately, John must choose between his desperate need to arrest the plague that is destroying his body, and the virtue of the woman he loves, knowing the wrong decision could cost him his life. This kindle ebook is an adult fiction paranormal romance laced with traces of horror and the supernatural. It is the first novel in this romance series by indie author Jaye Frances.



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