
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Praying the Gospels with Martin Luther by Paul Meier @PaulWMeier

Praying the Gospels with Martin Luther: Finding Freedom in Love

Martin Luther’s writings provided a theological foundation for change in the institutional church. Now his sermons reveal that love lies at the heart of biblical interpretation and application.

In what he considered one of his greatest works, a collection of sermons called the Church Postil, Luther explained how the biblical texts applied to the practice of daily living.

By reading a sermon excerpt with the scripture text that gave rise to it, and the corresponding prayer as your daily devotion, you’ll discover what gave Luther the courage to challenge the church like young David faced Goliath.

You’ll come away with a clear understanding of the freedom the gospel imparts, learn to discern the viability of any law by passing it through the filter of love, and discover that the truest expression of faith and love for God is found in loving one’s neighbor.

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Author twitter -  @PaulWMeier

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