
Friday, September 14, 2012

Paul's Letter to the Philippians: Bible Trivia Quiz & Study Guide by BibleEye @BibleEye

Paul's Letter to the Philippians: Bible Trivia Quiz & Study Guide (BibleEye Bible Trivia Quizzes & Study Guides)

 How to Really Study the Bible       Tired of reading a passage of scripture and finding that you’ve forgotten what you just read?       Looking for a way to increase your attention and understanding during Bible study?       Looking for an enjoyable way to study the Bible by yourself or with friends and family?   You’re just seconds away from deeper engagement with the New Testament scriptures...   Study the Bible by Taking Bible Quizzes After Every Chapter   If you're like most people, you pay better attention and get more out of what you study when you know that you're going to take a quiz on it.   This is why BibleEye Bible trivia quiz questions and answers are great study tools to engage with the New Testament text.   Here's How it Works:   Read a chapter of the Bible (KJV), then answer study quiz questions (followed on the very next page with the answers) on what you've just read...   THEN, a day or two after you study a passage of New Testament scripture, revisit the questions and answers to see how well you retained what you read.

Twitter: @BibleEye

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