
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Oil over Water by Elen Holly @ElenHolly1

Oil over Water

A coming of age novel.

Suburban Northeastern Ohio - to a young girl in the 1970s, the most irreverent landscape of wonder and verity, hallowed breadths of the extremes, where lives are forged into assemblage as much by family, lovers, and friends as by events of nature. A world still reeling from political outrage and economic downturn. Superstition, splendor, terror, the picturesque, and the inextricable intertwining of nature and community. Further in time, it follows a young woman who finds solace in the rules of physics. She navigates her way with and through lies, sexual liaisons, the supernatural, the relevance of history, the prospect of change, but most of all, a deep endeavor to identify her own conception of love and its many forms. Reality, at times – blurred. Beyond the bounds of her beloved Ohio, she traverses to understand and quench her yearning for beauty, symmetry, and celebration of life.

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