
Friday, September 21, 2012

Kendra Kandlestar and the Shard from Greeve by Lee Edward Fodi @leefodi

Kendra Kandlestar and the Shard from Greeve (The Chronicles of Kendra Kandlestar)

To celebrate the turning of seasons (very important in the Land of Een, you know!) Kendra Kandlestar and the Shard from Greeve is a free download from September 21-25—and all other Kendra Kandlestar titles will be on sale for 3.99. All we ask is that you post a review of your favorite Kendra Kandlestar book. We especially love to hear from kids! Reviews can also be sent via the official Kendra Kandlestar website (which, by the way, has some cool downloads for you).

TRAPPED IN A PIT OF MONSTERS . . . When young Kendra Kandlestar is granted a wand by the ancient tree of Een, she yearns to become a great sorceress. But magic doesn’t come easily to Kendra, and she soon turns to the shard from Greeve—and its dark power—to help her rescue her brother from the Rumble Pit, a deadly gladiator arena where all manner of mythical creatures are forced to fight in a fierce contest for survival. Yet, as Kendra is seduced by the power of the insidious shard, she discovers that the greatest battle just might be the one brewing inside her own heart. Is this a war she can win? There’s only one way to find out: Behold the Shard from Greeve, and enter a world of magic, monsters, and mystery!

Author website:
Book website:
Twitter: @leefodi

(Prices may change at any time. Before downloading, confirm that this book is still free. Some become Prime Eligible, with Prime, Kindle owners can choose from thousands of books to borrow for free.)

And feel free to share this post via your social network of choice. Let's help these authors get the word out to other readers.

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