
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Job Interview Confidence by Hiten Vyas @stutteringhub

Job Interview Confidence - Replacing Anxiety with Self-Belief (NLP series for people who stammer)

Are you experiencing the following about job interviews?

* Anxiety about attending job interviews, which makes you avoid them.

* Habitual negative thoughts about your ability to take job interviews because of your stammering?

* Feelings of inadequacy after your have attended job interviews, because of bad experiences during them?

* Rejection from getting jobs because of your stammering?

If so, then this eBook will help you to:

* Increase your confidence in your ability to take job interviews, and go for the job you want.

* Create positive thoughts about yourself in the context of job interviews, so that you can face them with less anxiety.

* Learn to see yourself as a person, your stammering, and job interviews from a position of power.

* Create empowering beliefs about your ability to take job interviews and use them to help you in future job interviews.

If you are ready to deal with your fear of job interviews, then this eBook is definitely for you.

Author website:
The book website:
Author Twitter: @stutteringhub
(Prices may change at any time. Before downloading, confirm that this book is still free. Some become Prime Eligible, with Prime, Kindle owners can choose from thousands of books to borrow for free.)

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