
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Illuminate-Alive, She Cried by Jamie Haden @sippingbythesea

Illuminate-Alive, She Cried (Talisa Santiago)

Seventeen-year-old Talisa Santiago is the granddaughter of a shaman and going between two different worldly dimensions is something she realizes she is destined to do; however, what she doesn’t count on is what fate has in store for her. After surviving the first hurricane of the season on the island where she lives, Talisa learns her life is in grave danger. She must retreat immediately to live with a secretive clan of Indians on a remote reservation deep within the Great Smokey Mountains. Her blood brothers, three shifters who have the desires of both man and animal surround her, promising everlasting friendship and protection. However, the majestic mountains hold many secrets and danger lurks in the night. As Talisa falls prey to the evil tricksters that want her dead, she unleashes an untamed passion that may get them all killed.

 Connect with Jamie Haden

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