
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Four Wheels and a Microphone by Ward Anderson @wardanderson

Four Wheels and a Microphone: Tales of an Unknown Comedian

Being a stand-up comedian isn't nearly as glamorous as people think. The average working comic will never get any major television exposure, never make six figures, and never even have a taste of true fame. Each comedian has a dream to become rich and famous, but most are happy just to be working. That's the life of a road comic.

This book is about one such comedian. Along the way, there are tales of drunken debauchery with gorgeous women (who might actually be men) and random forgotten nights spent waking up in the hospital. There are tales how it feels to perform for an audience of six and how a comedian get treated when he's thrown in jail.

Above all, it's an insider's look at what life is like on the bottom rung of the show business ladder. What happens onstage is often very funny, but it's a comedian's failure offstage that ultimately makes the best read. That is what "Four Wheels and a Microphone" is all about.

A funny look at a job that isn't always as exciting as it looks from the cheap seats, this comic memoir is full of humour, wit...and maybe even a little heart along the way.

Author website:
Author twitter : @wardanderson

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