
Monday, August 20, 2012

Portals in a Northern Sky by Charles D. Hayes

Portals in a Northern Sky

PORTALS IN A NORTHERN SKY envisions a technology that will change the world forever—a vantage point from space that plays back any event of history in real time. Carrying a strong secular life message about philosophy and education, the story follows an adventure into the Alaska wilderness, wrestles with urban drug wars and racial discrimination, and traces the fortunes of a family’s quest for gold.

Described as a thinking person's novel, a love letter to Alaska, and a tribute to Jack London and Herman Melville, Portals is an epic novel of invention, discovery, betrayal, and life transition. Featuring a telescopic view into the past, a journey through literature and philosophy, and an unforgettable cast of characters, Portals is a meditation on the concept of fate.

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