
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

In Living Color: The Lord's Prayer by Paul Meier @PaulWMeier

In Living Color: The Lord's Prayer

Hear the Lord’s Prayer the way it has been translated directly from the language Jesus spoke and discover greater beauty and depths in its petitions.

Aramaic is more poetic and mystical than the Greek language. It invites listeners to explore the meaning of words at the levels of body, mind, and spirit. Thus, every phrase in the prayer contains several possible meanings.

Using translations from Aramaic scholars, the author shows new interpretations of God’s will, forgiveness, temptation, evil, and compares the doxology to the production “Riverdance.” You will come away with a new appreciation for the teachings that lie beneath the surface of the Lord’s Prayer’s traditional and beloved words.

A study guide for small group discussion is included now, and can be downloaded from the author's website..

the book website
Twitter: @PaulWMeier

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