
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fuel for the Soul by CJ Hitz @forgiveformula

Fuel for the Soul: 21 Devotionals That Nourish

It's been said that it takes 21 days to form a habit. I don't know about you but it sure seems difficult to break the bad habits and keep the good ones going. You may have several good habits you've formed in your life that have become second nature to you.

For me, running has become one such habit. What started out as a legitimate way to lose some extra pounds and help speed up my metabolism eventually turned into my favorite sport and primary outlet for competition. The daily run is something I look forward to as it leaves me feeling energized and full of life.

If you're not a runner, you might not be familiar with something called an energy gel. These are little 100 calorie packets of mainly carbohydrates. Brand names include GU, Clif Shot, Hammer, and Stinger to name a few. They are a simple, easy-to-digest form of fuel. I've had several instances where I felt low on energy while out on a training run or in a race but then felt an energy surge after consuming one of these little guys. It's amazing what a difference just 100 calories can make.

It's my hope that these 21 days of devotions will serve as an "energy gel" or fuel for your soul. They're meant to be quick yet powerful and thought-provoking no matter what time of day you prefer to read (eat) them.

It's also my hope that you'll form another great habit for your life...a daily, uninterrupted time of drawing close to Jesus. May you come to wholeheartedly agree with David when he said in Psalm 34:8...

"Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!"
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