
Friday, July 27, 2012

Last things first, just in case... by Jo Kline Cebuhar

Last things first, just in case... The practical guide to Living Wills and Durable Powers of Attorney for Health Care

End-of-life decision-making in America has become a legal and medical quagmire. Last things first, just in case... leads the reader out of this confusion to an easy and inexpensive method of advance planning.
Your will discover how to:
- Give your loved ones the greatest gift of all: peace of mind that your end-of-life wishes are known and will be respected.
- Make sure it's you--and not your state's law--deciding who can make health care decisions on your behalf.
- Maintain self-determination to the end of life.
- Avoid family uncertainty and conflict in a medical crisis.
- Effectively communicate your wishes for end-of-life care to your loved ones.
- Find advance directive forms that are practical, comprehensive and will gently guide you through that crucial conversation with your family.
- Be sure your advance directives are valid wherever your travel throughout the United State.
- Pass on your values as well as your valuables by learning about Ethical Wills.

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