
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Gods: Enter the Infinite Unknown by Mammen Mani @MammenMani

The Gods: Enter the Infinite Unknown

This novel narrates the incidents leading up to the universe’s defining moment, the big bang. A colony of gods lives together in harmony and peace. These gods have the power to create anything that tickles their fancy. They can change their appearance to take on any shape or form they like. Most prefer to be as human beings. Pain does not exist for them, and they only experience positive feelings.
Then, one of the gods, Lucifer,introduces pain and negative feelings to the community of gods. Once this floodgate is open, their world is turned upside down in an instant. The colony splits in two, as some gods choose to follow Lucifer. These gods are taken in by the excitement and rush the new, dark feelings bring on.
Sarah, the love of Emanuel’s life, unbecomingly follows Lucifer. Emanuel desperately seeks out his love in hopes of bringing her back to his side, away from the dark lord.

 Follow the author on Twitter: @MammenMani

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