
Monday, July 2, 2012

Conversations With a Dead Man by Doug Lucas

Conversations With a Dead Man

A stroll through an old cemetery will reveal very little about the people buried there. Their headstones will whisper of father, wife or lost child----but they don't sing of the lives those men and women led. Even our national heroes are lucky to have one or two of their life's accomplishments inscribed on their markers for future generations to marvel at.

Cemeteries are filled with forgotten people. They were people who had lives rich with or empty of the joys that just being alive creates for us.

Once we are dead and gone, our lives quickly fade into small morsels of oral history and are slowly forgotten by family and friends as time and generations pass.

What would these forgotten souls tell us if they could talk?

Conversations With a Dead Man answers some of those questions from a dead man's point of view. John Wesley Elder will share his loves, failures, accomplishments and the simple life he led with you.

Spending a few hours with him will allow you to understand not only the man, but glimpse the times he lived in. You'll come to understand that although he's dead, he still has a few quirks in his personality and one or two sorrows------he's much the same as you or I.

John Wesley Elder was an ordinary man who lived, loved and built a life for himself. He invites you to join him for a quiet chat or two, if you have the time he'll share events in his life that you can't find on his headstone.

He'll share his life and also try to help you understand the times he lived in and introduce you to some of the people who filled his life with joy and sorrow.

So set down, lean against the coolness of his head stone and just listen.

Find the author on Facebook: Doug Lucas

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