
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Czechmate by Seth Harwood @sethharwood

Czechmate (Jack Palms Crime)

Once hired by the SFPD to investigate the mysterious murder of a crooked cop, Jack Palms now finds himself in the path of Alexi Akakievich, a cruel drug lord with a ring of sex slaves tapped directly into the city’s political elite. What’s unclear is whether Akakievich wants the power they can give him, or if he just wants to tear the city down. Whether Jack likes it or not, he finds himself in the way. Luckily, in Czechmate we see the return of Vlade, Niki and Al to stand by his side.
Graphic violence, sexual themes and packed with action. Not for the young or faint of heart.

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Follow the author on Twitter: @sethharwood

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