
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Spy Hunt in Dixie by Max Connelly @MaxConnelly

Spy Hunt in Dixie

Although this is a historical thriller, written in the mystery genre, it's not the casual read. The novella is written as a "puzzle", where the reader will have to figure out the multinarrative pieces together in order to understand where the story is heading. 

A retiring MI6 officer hits upon a clandestine ring hibernating in the upper echelons of the British Secret Service. Recognizing that he is under watch, and fearing for his own life, he resorts to unorthodox means. Zach Taylor, a Canadian Anglo-Saxon chauvinist, and a fellow combatant in the late WW I is his choice. The man is arguably the best detective journalist ever. Never failing a friend, and with little fear in his heart, the Canadian accepts the mission diligently.

Taylor's journey takes him to incredibly fantastic situations and exotic lands. Few steps into his investigations, he has to hunt back an African soldier, from the French army invading Mexico in 1864, who runs into Civil War-beaten Louisiana, where he witnesses a terrible secret. Suddenly, something appears to be related to a Christian mission in Belgian Congo at the turn of the century, and the murder of the British Governor-General of Sudan a few years later. Then again, definitely every thing has to do with Napoleon III and his schemes in Protestant North America, correcting his great uncle's mistake, and retaking Dixie back.

But how can those absurd events be relevant in a spy hunt eighty years later?

Every character has a tale to tell, but the truth eludes Taylor, and his targets-turned-pursuers, to the very end, when suddenly the aberrant threads converge into the most incredible knot.
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Follow the author on Twitter: @maxconnelly

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