
Friday, May 25, 2012

The Relationship Shoppe by Susan Paulson Clark ‏@susanpclark

The Relationship Shoppe: A Novel

Marian Sheffield longs to climb out of the pits, but before she can transform her career and romantic life, she must contend with the indiscretions of Belle, her business partner and best friend. Along the way, Marian learns the difference between a crush on her guy friend and the very real advances of her company’s investor—and how to apply the relationship advice she promotes in her own bookstore.

- Felt as if your life has fallen apart?
- Questioned why it had?
- Resolved to turn things around?
- Refused to give up when everyone around discouraged you?
- Been betrayed by a friend?
- Fallen in love with someone who doesn’t love you back?
- Ignored the person who is right for you?

Follow the author on Twitter: @susanpclark

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