
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Murder on the Waterfront by Michael Jahn @Mike_JahnWords

Michael Jahn's New York City Mysteries: Murder on the Waterfront

A web of waterfront intrigue ...

Parties of vastly different orders rage aboard two ships docked side-by-side on Manhattan's legendary West Side waterfront. On the ultramodern, palatial, and pastel cruise liner Trinidad Princess, a conservative candidate for president presides over a posh fundraiser. On the ancient, barnacle-encrusted, and fashionably decadent Sevastopol Trader, the head of an ultrachic modeling agency holds an all-night soiree of supermodels and who-knows what else to celebrate the launch of her perfume line. When dawn breaks the following day and the body of a top conservative political strategist is found in the litter-strewn hold of the old freighter, Captain Bill Donovan leads the investigation. Helped by his wife, the multiracial firecracker Marcy, and his friend and associate, Brooklyn's massively muscled Brian Moskowitz, Donovan delves into a web of waterfront intrigue that includes national politicians, global environmental activists, top fashion models, menacing harbor water rats, lonely homeless old men, waterfront regulars, and a host of New York eccentrics.

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