
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Meany by Peazy Monellon


Six year old Jenny Barnes wakes up from night terrors only to find out that ghosts are real and there’s no such thing as safe.

She lives in a two hundred year old farmhouse with her large family, but they’re not alone. There’s a malevolent presence up in the attic and the forest surrounding the farm is alive with folks who just won't stay dead. Worse is the fact that the cattle have developed a taste for murder and are threatening to stampede. Well…that, and the fact that it seems her own father is trying to kill her.

All Jenny wants is a childhood--a few moments playing in the sunny yard with her sisters. To get one, all she'll have to do is survive.

And as Eddie, the one farmhand who’s on her side notes, “this old place is going over.”

Will anyone get out of there alive?
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