
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hiren's Magical Adventure by Kathleen Patel ‏ @KathleenPatel1

Hiren's Magical Adventure (Magical Adventures) UK:

'This newly revised and edited version of Hiren's Magical Adventure' is the first in the 'Magical Adventure' saga. A tween to young adult, paranormal, mystery, the charming fable unfolds in in India. Hiren visits his grandparents for the summer. Nothing could have prepared him for this strange world filled with magic and mystery. He encounters exotic creatures, a forbidden jungle, and a ghost that haunts the eerie palace. He meets a mysterious girl who leads him closer to the secrets. He finds himself facing life-threatening danger in his quest to solve the family mystery.

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Follow the author on Twitter: @KathleenPatel1

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