
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bach to God by Emily Nolan

Bach to God

This eBook is about Robert Baker's life, our story together, and my family's search for answers about CJD.In 2001, my father passed away of a mysterious disease called Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD). He was a cancer researcher and an environmental scientist who was trying to help the world and save countless lives. After he died there was no investigation into his death, by either the police or the media, not even a coronial or OH&S inquiry. I often felt very alone and alienated by the world. This was when I decided to start writing my father’s biography, and I found that delving into his life and holding onto his memory was a comfort to me. This book is about my father's life and achievements, how we dealt with his untimely death, and how a father and daughter's relationship changed in it's final days. This book is also for other people & families who have been affected by CJD. My book aims to help inform about the basics of CJD, but more importantly about dealing with the effects from a personal viewpoint.

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