
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Zul Enigma by J M Leitch @JMLeitch

The Zul Enigma The Zul Enigma at Amazon UK

The Zul Enigma, a futuristic thriller fused in reality, seamlessly weaves New Age beliefs with hard, scientific facts. Set in 2068 it follows a quest to expose the perpetrator behind a cataclysmic event that occurs on 21 December 2012, end of the Mayan calendar, that changes the world forever.

Underpinned by a theme of betrayal, the novel is set against a backdrop of climate change, overpopulation, world war, alien visitations, presidential plots, global deception and a new world order.

A venomous twist reveals the most horrific conspiracy one could ever imagine and Zul is behind it. But who... or what... is Zul?

Buried deep beneath layers of subterfuge lurks the shocking truth.
Follow the author on Twitter: @JMLeitch
Book Website:

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