
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Injustice Is Served [a short story collection] by Reena Jacobs ‏ @ReenaJacobs

Injustice Is Served [a short story collection]

No lawyers.
No judges.
No trials.
At last,
Is Served.

Seven psychological thrillers to keep you awake at night.

Circulatory System ~ A mother takes the love for her daughter to the next level.
Blind Alley ~ Desperation pushes one man to exchange his dead-end life for another. 
NutraLoaf ~ At the top of the food chain, life can get quite cutthroat. 
Severed in Blood ~ She wanted nothing more than her husband's love. 
Reasonable Risks ~ To earn the biggest payouts, you have to take the biggest risks. 
Fallen ~ "Billy fell. That's what they always say in the movies." 
My Favorite Color No more ~ The psychology of color. One event can put an entirely different shade on life. 

Not meant for bedtime reading, children, or the guilty.

Rated M for intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content, strong language, and enough offensive content to make a man clench his knees tightly together.
Visit the author's website:

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