
Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Shoestring Gardener by Claudia Brownlie @ecogardengirl

The Shoestring Gardener

Brownlie has two websites: ; also her gardening project website:

A Compendium of Hundreds of Eco-Friendly, Creatively Frugal Gardening How-Tos, Remedies, and Tips

Whether you’re a novice or well-seasoned gardening enthusiast, Claudia Brownlie has put together a thorough and easy-to-read how-to guide that is brimming over with literally hundreds of creative ways to save money in all aspects of caring and tending for your garden. The best eco-friendly, frugal gardening techniques and ideas are all right here. And what's more, Claudia has made sure to keep an emphasis on providing environmentally friendly and non-toxic gardening techniques, methods, and procedures throughout this information-packed book.

Inside these pages you'll find:

• Loads of tips, tricks, and creative methods to become a more successful and eco-conscious gardener while saving lots of money at the same time.

• Detailed information on concocting and using non-toxic bug and garden pest control.

• An extensive how-to on all aspects of small-to-big composting techniques, methods, and trouble-shooting help to bring you the lushest garden possible.

• A myriad of super-creative, clearly explained DIY projects utilizing recycled items to help you in your gardening pursuits and other aspects of garden-related activities too.

The readers of this book will benefit from the author's 30-plus years of extensive research on gardening techniques; from her participation in Master Gardener training; from her continuing attendance in a multitude of gardening workshops; from her "How can I make or build this myself to save money" attitude; and from her love for anything gardening related.

Everything Claudia has written about in "The Shoestring Gardener" has been pre-tested by her – through trial and error in her very own garden. She is constantly on the lookout for new ways, ideas, and methods to find simple and easy solutions to gardening problems. And what she's learned is being passed on to the reader.

There are over 200 pages that are brimming with hundreds of eco-friendly, creatively frugal gardening how-tos, remedies, and tips. All the gardening information is geared towards finding new ways to have the healthiest, happiest flowers and veggies possible while using only non-toxic, environmentally friendly methods. You'll also discover new ways to streamline a gardening task or chore so you don’t have to put in as much back-breaking effort as is sometimes necessary! Plus the DIY projects are not only doable for even those who are not master carpenters, but also help you save money and utilize recyclable objects.

The Shoestring Gardener - 100’s of Wonderfully Frugal, Eco-Friendly and Highly Resourceful Ideas, Techniques, and Tricks with Detailed Instructions for Just About Everything Having to Do with Gardening

(Prices may change at any time. Before downloading, confirm that this book is still free. Some become Prime Eligible, with Prime, Kindle owners can choose from thousands of books to borrow for free.)

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