
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Scat by Jim Graham @jimsgraham

Scat by Jim Graham
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It has taken Sebastian Scatkiewicz 7 years to get his life back together again after the US Marines dumped him onto a world of mass unemployment. He’s finally gotten himself some well-paid work on one of the New Worlds in the Outer-Rim, hundreds of light years away from an over-populated, climatically-challenged and resource-poor Earth. Now he’s building a new life for himself; something he wants to protect.

Only nothing in the Outer-Rim is as the brochure says. The company’s mandate to rule is under threat; the 3rd generation residents are agitating for independence; and the day-to-day politics is both muddy and murderous. Scat keeps his head down; these are things best left to the locals. He's going to ride this one out by sitting on the fence. This isn't his fight. He's going to stay neutral.

If only someone would listen. 

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