
Monday, March 19, 2012

Review - The Dolls by Kathleen Patel @KathleenPatel1

The Dolls
by Kathleen Patel

The author has this synopsis to offer:

It was supposed to be a fabulous vacation in the charming seaside village of Benalmadena, Spain. Shari and Tara realized that the couple was a bit eccentric, but they tried to ignore the red flags. The secret doors were a definite warning, but was it too late? They didn't realize that they had been lured into an evil trap. Who could have imagined what their hosts had in store?  
I was allowed to read the edited and expanded version of The Dolls and I was impressed. Patel has shown that she is dedicated to her craft and wants to only become a better writer. I am happy to say that she has improve a hundredfold. I am very impressed to see she had her story edited and expanded to make a more detailed story. The ending is far more satisfying than the previous version. I can now recommend this to lover's of horror and paranormal stories. This is a great short.

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