
Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Noon God by Donna Carrick ‏ @Donna_Carrick

The Noon God

Living in the shadow of 'greatness' can be a difficult thing. Just ask Desdemona Fortune.

When her father, the magnificent J. Caesar Fortune, is found murdered inside the offices of the Faculty of Art, there is no shortage of people who may have carried a grudge. From the lover who could not capture his affection to the colleagues whose efforts were repeatedly ignored, many resented the immensity of his literary success.

For though the 'Man of Words' is lying dead on a slab, his legacy will live on. But as Desdemona knows, the legacy of greatness can carry a heavy price.

In a household pummeled by the dual forces of addiction and narcissism, Desdemona must face the fact the father she loved has hurt those closest to him. Now, as the head of a once illustrious family, she must do whatever is necessary to save her one surviving sister from the far-reaching influence of an immortal. 

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