
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Young Turk: A Dog Story That Will Break Your Heart. by WillBevis @WillBevis

Young Turk: A Dog Story That Will Break Your Heart.
What you are about to read is part of an unpublished novel, based on the absolute worst time of my life: The Winter of 1988-89. It was such a bad time, so many bad things happened all at once, that I am very surprised that I did not kill myself, or someone else. I seriously thought about doing both. As God only knows if I will ever finish the whole novel, I wanted to share at least part of it, this part, with the world. What you are about to read is true. I was so bad off I was seeing and talking to "Jesus" at the time. And "he" was answering. I wish what you are about to read had not happened. But it did happen. You may hate me for what I did, but I was doing the best I could with all I was facing at the time. I just could not handle any more. In what you are about to read, which takes place near the end of the unfinished novel, I called myself Ben Devaux. But the character is me. It is what I saw, felt, and did. I am responsible for it all. Will Bevis.
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