
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Review - Psychosomatic by Anthony Neil Smith @DocNoir

Psychosomatic by Anthony Neil Smith

The author offers this synopsis of the book:
Because Lydia didn't have arms or legs, she shelled out three thousand bucks to a washed up middleweight named Cap to give her ex-husband the beating of his life.

But the beating turns to murder, and the murder into lust and desperation between Lydia and an underworld clean-up man. Meanwhile, overgrown frat boy car thieves take up cop killing as a side hobby. When these paths cross, a horror show of violence unfolds as they all slide into a hell of their own design, surrounded by the neon and noise of the casino strip on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Violent, vivid, life at hyper-speed. 
How can a woman with no arms or legs be at the center of all this mayhem? Read and find out. Other reviewers have called for a this to be made into a movie and I can only agree. This has enough suspense, mystery and guns to be a Tarantino film.

It is an intense story from start to finish. It peels back the curtain into the hearts of the foulest criminals. These people do awful terrible things that will disgust and repel you. You will ask yourself, "can people trully be that evil?"

The only answer is yes. And people who live these kind of violent lives can hope for a happy ending. But we all know that's not going to happen. But that doesn't stop them from trying and nothing is going to stop you from reading to the bitter end.

You will be shocked and saddened but glad you read it.

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