
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Review - Older Man Younger Man: A Love Story by Joseph Dispenza @DispenzaJ

Older Man Younger Man: A Love Story by Joseph Dispenza

The author offers this synopsis of the book:

Older Man/Younger Man is a memoir of the relationship between a middle-aged man and a man thirty years his junior, from their first meeting, through the challenges of living together across a wide age-gap, to a climactic confession of shame and regret, the terror of loss from a life-threatening disease - and, ultimately, the triumph of love.
This is a passionate, bittersweet story of a powerful love that transcends gender, bridges generations, defies convention, and brings to the partners the richness of spiritual fulfillment. The relationship between an older man and a younger man is one of the last taboos left in our culture's sexual closet. Older Man/Younger Man is the first book to address an inter-generational gay male relationship as a path of spiritual redemption. What makes this book unique and special is its presentation of the pairing between an older man and a much younger man as a healthy, successful relationship and as a spiritual journey.

This book is a memoir. This is one man's story from his point of view. A unique personal view. This story transcends time and space and gender. Dispenza does shares points in his life that are unique for a gay man but most of this story is a universal love story. Dispenza vividly recalls his life's ups and downs and records them for us to read and experience right along with him. Though I might not have the same story, I can relate to many of the same fears and tribulations Dispenza shared.

Older Man/Younger Man is a very well written tale. From the start of his story, Dispenza offers a vision of Pan in the forest. In my mind, I feel Dispenza relates to Pan as a gruff creature forever chasing youth and beauty. In Dispenza's final words, he again returns to the image of Pan in the forest as a god among many as the world is reborn. Dispenza's words are well planned and powerful. His allusions to others works, other times and other gods are amazing. Dispenza is a very talented writer.

Older Man/Younger Man a beautiful story of love overcoming a myriad of taboos. He himself eventually overcomes an innate shame that trails him from the very beginning of his life. This is a story about victory, love and finding peace.

You can find out more about Joseph Dispenza at his website -

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